California Driver’s Licenses
Any person, except tourists and out-of-state students, who owns and drives a car and is a resident in the state is required to obtain a California driver’s license.
If you become a California resident, you must get a California driver license within 10 days after residency has been established (i.e., you have voted in a California election, accepted permanent employment, paid resident tuition, filed for a homeowners property tax exemption, registered a child in school or applied for any other privilege or benefit not ordinarily extended to nonresidents).
To apply for an original driver license if you are over 18, you will need to do the following:
Provide your social security number and your true full name
Verify your birth date and legal presence
Pay the application fee ($31 in 2013)
Pass a vision exam
Pass a traffic laws and sign test (the written test) based on the California Drivers Handbook, which can be downloaded for printing at
If you have a license from another state, the driving test can be waived, but if you have a license from another country, you will be required to take a driving test.
Provide proof of financial responsibility
If you have moved to California from another state, you will receive your license in the mail.
The following is required to register a vehicle from out-of-state (nonresident):
Present the last issued registration certificate or renewal notice for the current year or a letter from the last registration jurisdiction verifying the registration period.
Arrange a vehicle inspection by an authorized DMV employee, law enforcement officer or a licensed vehicle verifier. These inspections can be performed at a DMV and are free of charge. Appointments are recommended for faster service
Pay the appropriate fees and any use tax that is due.
To register to vote, you must complete a voter registration form (found at Simply fill in the information requested on each screen, print the form, sign it and mail it directly to the county elections office address that is preprinted on the form. Alternatively, you can pick up a form from your county elections office, local library or U.S. post office or calling the Secretary of State’s Voter Hotline to ask for a form.